Three Roles of BoostSwap


In the early stage, traders have 1-5x leverage selection to establish a long or short position with one-click tool. When traders need to close positions, the borrowing interest will be deducted to obtain profit from leverage trading. The borrowing interest is mainly based on the interest rate model in accordance with supply and demand relationship of assets, and the on-chain algorithm will calculates the borrowing interest.


BoostSwap uses an interest rate model to encourage depositors to deposit assets and obtain higher rewards. When market is extremely in demand for assets and the Trust Pool is insufficient for lending funds, depositors’ income and borrowers’ interest will rise; Conversely, interest rates will fall, thereby stimulating deposits and inhibiting lending.


When trader's margin is insufficient, the liquidator can perform liquidation and receive liquidation rewards. All liquidation smart contracts are executed on chain, and all users can become liquidators.

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