
Security is our top priority. All smart contract codes are publicly verifiable. We will provide rewards for users who find BUG. In addition, we will invite professional audit companies to conduct security audit.

We remind users of guarding against risks and carry out leveraged trading within their own risk preference and tolerance. Leverage trading is a complex tool, if used appropriately, it can become a powerful hedging and income tool.

Smart contract is still an emerging technology. We remind users to be optimistic about innovative products and be cautious about their investment.


BoostSwap smart contract will invite professional security companies to conduct smart contract security audit and will publish the smart contract audit report on the official website and this document for users to view and supervise.

Loophole Reward

scheme Security is one of our top priorities. Although the smart contract of BoostSwap will be strictly tested and audited, this new technology may still have undetected vulnerabilities. We encourage and hope that the community will monitor our security at all times and help us find loopholes and report through e-mail: no public disclosure, no disclosure to any other individual until it is disclosed to XXXX e-mail.

Please include as much vulnerability information as possible, including:

Conditions for reproducing errors.

The steps required to reproduce the error, or preferably a proof of concept.

The potential impact of abuse.

If you report a unique, previously unreported vulnerability that results in a code change or configuration change and keep such vulnerability confidential until our engineers resolve it, we will reward you if you agree.

Other Terms

All award decisions, including the eligibility and amount of the award and the method of payment of such award, are determined by the boost swap community committee. The terms and conditions of the program may change from time to time.

Last updated